The Drake Equation
dieses buch ist das ergebnis der zusammenarbeit zwischen mir und paul kranzler. wir haben mehrere wochen im valley of green bank west virginia verbracht und in der "quiet zone" fotografiert.
25 x 30 cm
120 pages
Text: Alard von Kittlitz
Design: Isabel Latza
45,- Euro
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Fountain Books Berlin, 2018
ISBN 978-3-00-058059-8
The Drake equation, established in 1961, is an assumption about our chances of finding extraterrestrial life in other star systems. Astrophysics uses this equation and high-sensitivity radio telescopes to search for signs of life at the edge of the universe. The equation contains all the variables relevant to determining the number of intelligent civilisations in the Milky Way Galaxy that might be emitting radio signals at any given time.
In their new book THE DRAKE EQUATION, Andrew Phelps and Paul Kranzler explore the region around Green Bank, WV. In Green Bank, West Virginia, there are no mobile phones, television or radio programmes. It is home to the National Radio Quiet Zone, established in the 1950s to allow scientists to explore the universe with high-sensitivity radio telescopes. Since then, they have been searching for traces of extraterrestrial life using the Drake equation. The people who call this place home today could not be more different. A place where scientists meet settlers and bear hunters. And in recent years, the “Wi-Fi refugees” who move here to escape the electromagnetic radiation of our modern society. Published by Fountain Books Berlin 2018.