Photographers, like birds, greedily peck away at the world, digesting the occasional pebble as well as the intended breadcrumb. While nibbling away in Niigata Japan, Andrew Phelps has gracefully assembled a poetic journey which, factual to Niigata or not, has me lingering by his side, hoping for a delay of my return flight to the real world.

Jeffrey Ladd

My forthcoming book NOT NIIGATA, will be released in the late summer with the Kehrer Publishiers in Heidelberg, who also published HIGLEY a few years ago. You can read a bit about my travels here.

To help finance the book, we are offering, for a short time only, a “print of choice” special edition, limited to 100.


28×28 cm, hardbound

ca 112 pages

ca 40 color images

Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg

Special Edition, 100+5 e.a.

30 x 40 cm, C-print + book

128,- Euro + shipping

By purchasing a Special Edition, you will receive a copy of the book before it is officially released. You can then choose from any image in the book. Each image is signed as a Special Edition image and is outside of the normal editions for this work.

To reserve a copy, please send an email with your complete mailing address to one of the following:

To see a preview of a few images, go to:
