I just received Detrius Number 2 in the mail, so before I even open it, I am sitting down to finally post about Edition number 1.
Detrius is an ongoing series of self-published newspapers featuring the work of David O`Mara. I am lucky enough to have one of the special editions which come with a signed and limited c-print. Thanks David.
Edition nr. 1 is a collection of found negatives which David collected in the Heygate region of London. Honestly, I figured that finding negatives, in this the age of digital, was something rare. Finding DVDS with images maybe, but negatives? In his description David has quite the collection of mostly color 35mm negatives in various states of decay. Heygate is a region of London which was once a modernist vision of urban living;…both Heygate and the negatives are “obsolete yet within their creation contain remnants of once optimistic ambitions…” (David O’nara)

Number 80/100, with print.
If there are any still available, you can get them for a great price of 27 pounds.
Check directly in his shop and while you are at it you might get number 2 as well.
Now Im off to open that big white envelope from London…