I have a show opening at the gallery JoVanDeLoo in Munich. Images from HIGLEY and HABOOB will be up until March 8th.
Here is a link to an article on Hippolyte Bayard.
The opening is on thursday, Feb. 6th at 6pm
Thereseinstrasse 18, Munich

from HABOOB, 2012

from HIGLEY, 2006
violent and oppressive wind blowing in summer, bringing sand from the
desert. from
Arabic habüb “blowing furiously”.
Phelps’ HIGLEY, published to widespread critical acclaim in 2007,
documented the sudden material ‘progress’ of Higley, Arizona, a
farming community transformed by the booming housing market of the
American West. As Higley traded its farmlands for subdivisions, its
community was seemingly on the verge of a new American
HIGLEY helped to reveal, however, is that photography is often poor
at showing the truth and even worse at predicting the future. With
HABOOB, a new exposé of the financial meltdown and housing crash
engulfing Higley after 2008, Andrew Phelps’ new work uncovers the
facade, instability, and vulnerability of capitalism when it goes
East Valley is famous for destructive summer sandstorms called
which are caused by warm air cooling in the evening, dropping fast
and forcing masses of hot sand into the air. As Higley’s vision of
the new American Dream recedes, the haboob
is a fitting metaphor, representing the fear and instability that
have become so prevalent in the US urban middle class.
betting its future on the promise of easy growth and sub-prime
interest rates, this new HABOOB has trapped Higley in a social and
economic no-man’s land. As the facade of a once utopian, homogenous
vision fades, its identity is again being reformed, reshaped.