Red, 14 June, 1996. 12:13 pm

One Days Light, 13 June, 1996, 10:32 am

Tagschwarz, 14 June, 1996, 7:30 pm

Installation at Fotohof, photo Herman Seidl.

Inge Dick
Grosse Polaroids – Exhibition catalogue, 1996
The “Large Polaroid” pieces from the Austrian artist Inge Dick come out of her position as a minimalist painter. These 20×24 inch Polaroids were made in a few afternoons in Inge’ studio in Mondsee near Salzburg, in cooperation with Jan Hnizdo who assisted by operating the gigantic, 5 ft. tall camera.
As is the case with Inge’s paintings, color and light are the ambiguous themes that she tries to capture. The above images are examples out of 3 series in which she pointed the camera a white, black, or red surface in her studio and for a period of about 16 hours made an exposure each time that the light meter recorded a change of at least 3/10ths of a stop. In the end, over 2 days time, she made 99 images. It is impressive to see them all lined up in a show, which doesn’t happen so often as they take up a very large space. Occasionally you can see groupings of images, which still work conceptually, but lack the magnitude of what it means to make 99 large format polaroids in 2 days, not to forget at about 100 dollars a shot.
The book is rather unspectacular in its design, but fits the work quite well. it is 17×25 cm, with 32 pages and numerous color and b/w images.
You can get them at Fotohof.