Screen shot from flakphoto.com
Andy Adams at Flak Photo has started a 4-week feature of NOT NIIGATA. I finally Skped with Andy last night for 1.5 hours after being in email contact with him for a few years, it was nice to put a voice to a face to a blog.
If you don’t know Flak, (which, after him telling me how many hits he gets each month, I would find hard to believe) please take this chance to add it to your daily ritual.
He will be featuring a new image from the NOT NIIGATA book each Saturday in November. It will also be augmented with interviews and other links which we find.
Most importantly, I would like to thank everyone who has purchased a Special Edition of the book, you really made it possible by committing before the book was even produced. There are still a few left out of the edition of 100. It is a “print of choice” so you can select from any one of the 36 images in the book. A 30×40 cm color print plus book for 130,- Euro. You can read more info here.
If you want to read a bit about my travels and work in Japan from earlier this year, please visit the tag JAPAN.