Valerie Belin, Nick Waplington and many more.
If you are in or near Salzburg in the next month, Fotohof has a show starting on Thursday which highlights one of the most interesting private collections of photography in Austria. Hans Ponsold’s collection will be shown parallel to the opening of Fotohof’s new Artothek.
The Artothek is similair to a library. For a very reasonable price of 60 euro per year you can “rent” works from the Fotohof edition to hang on your walls. The new Fotohof homepage will be up soon, and I will be running blog there, so I will surely keep you up-to-date about the interesting changes.
On Friday May 1st, Fotohof will kick off the first of a series of “Freitagsgespräche” or Friday lecture series. The first will be an evening with the european based Piece of Cake photo group. About 16 of the 20 members will be there for the evening which will highlight the group as a whole as well as works from individual members. The latest portfolio of 20 images will be launched on this night.
Following on June 12th will be Jessica Backhaus, speaking about her work which will be shown in the gallery as of June 9th.