Jack Smith, The Beautiful Book.
(Screen shot stolen from the Christies homepage)
I have been trying to strip my days down to the bare basics lately. Printing for some upcoming shows of the Japan work, putting together a new book (more later), teaching a bit, organising 5 days of POC in Salzburg starting tomorrow, and hoping each day to crawl into bed before midnight, loosing entire weeks in the process. I was better at bloging in the winter. The masochistic side of it all is that I have also started a blog for Fotohof, where I am an active member, curator and now, well, overwhelmed blogger.
To put it in Buffet terms, my plate is full and running over onto my serving tray.
I did get an email today announcing the upcoming Christie’s auction in London on May 19th.
I won’t make it to the auction in person, and I will keep my bidding to myself, but I can tell you which ones would be on my wish list if photographers qualified for a bail-out.
Michael Smith, Landscape 1975-1979
Eugene Richards, Dorchester Days
Bertien v. Manen, A Hundred Summers, A Hundred Winters
the above listed books I have at least held in my hands, something I can’t say about this one which is slated to go for somewhere between
40,000 and 50,000 $.
Jack Smith, The Beautiful Book
I have never used the LARGE setting for font size in blogger, and I have heard one is only allowed to do it once, like putting exclamation marks on the frontpage of your newspaper, so there you go.