I got 2 packages in the mail today, one an old friend, one a new flirt.
Like old friends, I received the 2 newest books from FAREWELL books, Sensation from Noriko Takazawa and Even Your Ears from Kim Hyunjin. Both are expected continuations of the simple yet consistent form that Farewell always seems to maintain- clean, poetic, and again completely free of text and description, cryptic at times, as the language of photography can be when left to its own devices. They seem so much bigger than they actually are, and they will be a different book each time you view them. Very open and not closed, if that makes any sense.
Farewell is one of the publishers where it seems to make sense to have them all (I know that sounds like a sales pitch, but it isn’t), and the titles are so affordable, it may be a possibility for most of us.

Noriko Takazawa. Sensation

Kim Hyunjin. Even Your Ears
The new flirt comes from Laurence Vecten, who some you may know her from her blog LOZ. She has just now released his first title as publisher of Lozen (up) and it is a collection of 100 floral images from Louis Porter. Louis Porter is an Australian based photographer who spent the summer of 2008 photographing the installment of literally hundreds of flower displays in and around Beijing leading up to the Olympics.
It is limited to 100 copies, so this might be the chance to start at complete collection of the LOZ books, we shall see where they go from here, but the fact that there are 2 metal “hooks” mounted in the binding, one can’t help but think it is the beginning of a larger series, somewhere down the line we will get the offer for a binder to hold them all.

Louis Porter. One Hundred Flowers

You can get the specs at the respective sites.