from Not Niigata, 2009.

Somehow I forgot to post about this interview on LANDSCAPE STORIES, an on-line magazine edited and directed by Andrea Gaio, Claudio Bettio and Gianpaolo Arena. I was thrilled to do it as the questions posted were right on. I met Gianpaolo Arena in Savignano, Italy at the SI Fest this year during a workshop and it was nice to meet an interesting, young photography scene in Italy.

Created in 2010, Landscape Stories is an independent and free online magazine dedicated to the presentation of stories and photographic work. Our aim is to connect more deeply a growing number of readers with fine art contemporary photography.

Our goal is to bring together a collection of photographers from around the globe and to present their work to a wider audience.
We encourage photographers to offer their vision of the world relating to a certain topic and their different interpretation of this artistic discipline as much as possible different in terms of subjects, concepts, styles and techniques.