Yannick Boullis is starting an off space this year during the Paris Photo festival. He has brought together an interesting group of independent publishers and if you are in Paris this year, it will definitely be worth a visit.


Initiated by Yannick Bouillis, in reaction to the lack of meeting places for the diversity of practices in the field of photography, Off print is a project space for contemporary photography and a book fair for independant publishers. Yannick Bouillis, former journalist, is the owner of Shashin.nl, a book shop specialized in Dutch Art publications from Academies and Independant publishers in the field of Architecture, Contemporary art, Design, Graphic design, Photography.…Yannick Bouillis is also currently organising an Artist book fair in Amsterdam in 2011, in collaboration with Smart Project Space Amsterdam.


OFFPRINT Paris, 2010

Novem ber 18 — Novem ber 21

From 3pm — 9pm (Sun day from 11pm — 5pm)

Espace Kiron, 10 rue de la Vac querie, 75011, Paris.