I just got back from a month of traveling, much of it had to do with the Point Sublime project, much to do with making some new photographs, and a big part of it was giving 2 lectures in NY, one at ICP and one to the class of Amy Stein at the SVA. The ICP was pretty straight forward about my work, and the SVA was focused more on the books and book making. There was a lot of discussion about making books, and now, for when such situations arise, I have the perfect answer:

(sorry couldn’t resist)

Darius Himes and Mary Virginia Swanson have compiled a great source for anyone wanting to get a glance behind the curtain of the book publishing process. This book is both practical, even with a timeline one can follow to efficiently work through the process, as well as theoretical as it explores many case-studies of successful books which have found their way into the world. It lists book stores, fairs, blogs, publishers and marketing resources.
It covers both ends of the spectrum; self-publishing in its various forms, right up to how to approach big publishing houses, and even into production details.
It is a fine step towards demystifying the book making process.
published by Princeton Architecture Press, I would check them out directly on Darius’s site to get all of the info.