Saturday January 8, 2011
Lecture/Panel Discussion: 3-6pm @The Grey Area (down the hall from PPAC)
Reception: 6-7pm @PPAC
Please join us for a public event featuring the POC group North America on Saturday January 8th from 3-7pm. POC, standing for Piece of Cake, is comprised of a group of young artists whose preferred medium is photography. The group’s mission is to enable the artists to interact as they create, produce and distribute their works. This event will be the first exchange in the United States between the members of POC and a public audience.
The first hour of the event will consist of a formal presentation of the group, presented by one of the members, addressing the creation, expansion, and nature of POC. During the second half of the event there will be a panel discussion between four members of POC, moderated by Christopher Gianunzio. Potential topics of discussion during the panel include: economic issues, collective nature, concentration of creative efforts, personal practice, and the roles of PPAC and POC functioning in larger communities, acting as centers for discussion and sites to disseminate ideas and creative practice.
POC Introduction:
Cara Phillips
Panel Discussion:
William Lamson, Loan Nguyen, Amy Stein, Brian Ulrich
Christopher Gianunzio
Following the discussion, PPAC will host a public reception and book signing for the members of POC. Refreshments will be provided by Standard Tap. Books will be available to purchase or view by the following artists:
Charles Freger,
William Lamson,
John Mann,
Loan Nguyen,
Christian Patterson,
Andrew Phelps,
Birthe Piontek,
Justin James Reed,
Amy Stein,
Ofer Wolberger,
For more information, please visit http://www.pocproject.com/